Developing Minds through
Great Conversations

– Kamlesh Thakkar

Open Programmes

If You wish to Advance your Personal and Professional Growth or Start a New Chapter of your Business, our Open Programmes Can Help You To Succeed.


Our Enneagram Workshop is intended to improve working connections within your Organisation. We help in understanding Successful Teamwork and Identifying Personal Strengths.

Millionaire Mindset

Success varies Depending on the Person and the Situation. We will take a Practical Approach & Framework To Guide You In Developing a Success-Oriented Mindset.

Learn from Legends

Learn the Well-Guided Fundamental Strategies that have assisted a Select Group of Exceptional Business Leaders in becoming Extraordinarily Wealthy and Successful.

Public Speaking

Confidence stems from understanding what you want to Communicate and feeling at ease with your Communication Skills. Join Our Highly-Interactive Workshop To Transform Yourself!


Numerology is useful for Anyone who wishes to improve their Decision-Making Skills and use it as a tool for Advice. This Workshop will assist you in making the correct Decisions based on Birthdates.

Memory Techniques

Improve Your Memory And Enhance Your Confidence. Learn Some of the Best Expert Memorization Techniques with FLY Consultancy’s One-Of-A-Kind Training.


Learn How To Conquer The Battle Within

What is Enneagram?

An approach to typology is the Enneagram. It describes the various interrelated personality types that make up human personality. It was created to promote spiritual uplift. In modern times, it has been modified to include personal and organizational development.

Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people view the world and control their emotions. The Enneagram identifies nine different personality types and maps each type into a nine-pointed grid to show how people interact with one another.

Although the Enneagram’s precise beginnings are unknown, we do know that it has had a varied history. While some believe the origins are 4,500 years old in Babylon, others situate them 2,500 years ago in classical Greek philosophy.

How Is Enneagram Useful?

The Enneagram is becoming more widely known as an insightful and accurate map of personality. Thinking, emotion, and instinct are the three main areas of intelligence on which the nine Enneagram types are built. 

However, distortions or blockages in these areas have, in virtually all humans, resulting in a loss of connection to our true nature and the emergence of ego structures to make up for this loss. 

Therefore, even though our Enneagram type typically hides our inner nature behind a distinctive web of barriers, it can also work as a portal to the more profound truth of the spirit. It is a Tool for Personal Transformation, Relationships & Team Building!

Types of Enneagram Personalities

Enneagram helps to identify the right person for the right task. The list of types of Enneagram personalities is as follows

  • Performer – Are the most Trust Worthy and can be given Fund Management & Tasks that require secrecy
  • Helper – They are the ones who are the Best Helpers. They can be used wherever members need support
  • Achiever – They are the ones who can take up any Challenging Work, are most efficient, and hence the best performers
  • Individualists – They are the most expressive and impressive type and can best be utilized to deliver presentations
  • Investigators – They are the problem Solvers who possess in-depth knowledge.
  • Loyalists – They can be the best in negotiations and risk management
  • Enthusiasts – These are the people who can best be utilized for Events and Planning
  • Challenger – They are the ones who are best for getting difficult work done and where power is to be utilized
  • Peacemakers– They are the best mediators for problem-solving

How Is Enneagram Workshop Beneficial for You?

Our workshops are known to provide excellent chances to facilitate dynamic experiences that promote personal growth and transformation. We aim to offer a setting where people can discover more about themselves and how personality affects motivation, thought, and action. When the Enneagram is used in a workshop setting, participants can ask questions, get advice, and identify healthy and problematic patterns in a safe environment.

Participants will get a better understanding of themselves through a number of instructional activities, exploratory exercises, and a conversation-based style. An Effective Enneagram workshop can help people gain a better knowledge of who they are, the people in their lives, and how they connect with the outside world.

Creates meta-awareness at every Level of Motivation

Increases Consciousness and Confidence

Enables clearing of core emotions

Increases Productivity and Motivation

Uncovers pathways to Development and Integration

Unconditional Self-acceptance

Improves Emotional intelligence

Reduce conflict with others

Know how to deal with each person


Millionaire Mindset

Learn to Build The Right Mindset That Leads To Success

What is a Millionaire Mindset?

You’ve probably heard someone mention the millionaire attitude if you pay any attention to social media or follow any influencers, it’s ingrained in the hustler culture. What precisely does it imply when someone mentions having a millionaire mindset or says you need one? Does everyone learn it on their own?

It’s not about earning a million dollars that defines a millionaire mindset. It’s not even about your bank account or even financial freedom.

According to proponents, having a millionaire mindset entails concentrating on altering your life, beginning with your thinking, in order to achieve the objectives you’ve always wished to realize. It’s also not a simple task. Every day, you must practice intentional routines and ways of thinking.

According to the theory, millionaires reside in an environment of wealth that enables them to achieve more achievement and self-assurance. You must first act as though you have already accomplished your goal if you wish to succeed. Your success then fuels additional success.

What Qualities Must One Possess for a Millionaire Mindset?

Put your goals first

How are you meant to accomplish your goals if they are not on your mind? Your objectives could be to achieve financial success, improved wellbeing, a specific professional path, or any other ambition. Develop the habit of thinking about your goals.

Quit rationalizing your actions

Cooking up excuses will keep you from progressing and achieving your goals. Try to identify answers rather than criticizing or attributing your failures to outside factors. Work with a trustworthy coach or mentor to pinpoint the issues that are holding you back or causing issues.

Go out there and network

You cannot achieve your goals by staying at home and avoiding meeting new people. Both networking and paying attention to your presentation are essential. When practicing a business pitch, you must exude confidence and passion.

Remember to get enough sleep

To function at your best, you must obtain adequate sleep. We all have busy days, but getting enough sleep is good for your mind and body. It can be easy to work too hard and stay up late when we have a lot of things to do, but this is unsustainable in the long run.

Be Comfortable with perpetual learning

People frequently forget that there is always something in the world for them to learn and begin from scratch. You might need to adjust your tactics a little when pursuing goals. You might recognize that your habits weren't helping you before if you can learn to adjust to continually occurring changes.

Show patience

Do not let the feeling of working hard but receiving little in return discourage you from concentrating on your goals in life. Your life cannot be changed in a week. If you don't achieve your personal development objectives as quickly as you'd want, that's acceptable.

Accept errors as they occur

Making mistakes is a necessary part of growing and learning. Errors shouldn't be viewed as something to avoid at all costs but as a chance to improve. Failures offer an opportunity for personal and team growth and are a great way to learn new skills.

Consider Growth

As you work toward your goals, you will inevitably experience personal and professional growth. To keep yourself aware of your beginnings, it is essential to have a growth attitude throughout your path to achievement.

What Most Entrepreneurs Fail To Do?

To develop a millionaire mindset, you must be clear on the fact that you need to learn how to do something well if you want to earn a lot of money doing it. Many entrepreneurs dream of making it big within the first few years of the business. But in reality, very few people are aware of how to conduct themselves in a way that generates wealth.

Even if someone is skilled at providing a service or producing a good, they are still like the other hundreds of competitors. There is nothing differentiating them from the others. 

If someone doesn’t know how to “do” the business itself, or can not carry out the fundamentals of generating money through business, being brilliant at delivering something isn’t nearly enough. 

Imagine playing cricket without having a solid understanding of the batting, passing, and throwing fundamentals. The sport wouldn’t allow you to get wealthy, would it?

Learn from Legends

Your Time Is Limited, So Don’t Waste It Living Someone Else’s Life

Why Learn from Legends?

As you advance up the career ladder, more is expected of you in terms of communicating a clear vision to your team or business. You are challenged to exert a more powerful influence over others. You must handle change and complexity in a way that persuades the individuals you deal with in a world where competition is on the rise.

Every business requires talent, tenacity, and foresight to be completed successfully. In this world, there are a fortunate few who are able to become the richest and most powerful people in the world with their deep business knowledge, hunger for success, and ability to adapt.

These important figures have had a lasting impact on society and the physical environment throughout history. In order to ensure that your firm is successful as well, our workshop takes you through the most important lessons you can learn from the legends such as Steve Jobs. Ratan Tata, Elon Musk, Narendra Modi, Jack Ma, Mark Zukerberg & many more. 

Our well-crafted ‘Learn from Legends’ Workshop can assist you in developing a successful plan of action and game-changing ideas to tackle these challenges and obstacles. Advance as a high-impact leader by enhancing your capacity for change and capitalizing on your talents with the guidance of our mentors. 100+ Entrepreneurs who have already attended our session can vouch for how impactful it has been for them and their businesses.

What will you Learn?

How to Be Creative And Humble

How to lead

How to be the industry leader

How to Be Unapologetically Yourself

How to Set Your Own Business Style

How to Create a Successful Culture for Everyone to Thrive

How to Make everything simple for the consumer

Finding a USP for your Product / Services

Public Speaking

Gain Confidence, Self-Awareness, and Delivery When Speaking In Public

Academic and commercial professionals are known to make an investment in their communication abilities. Thousands of people, including professionals in IT, finance, sales, and marketing, among many others, have benefited from our assistance in improving communication.

Develop your speaking skills with FLY Consultancy! Our excellent instruction is perfect for beginners, moderate learners, and advanced students; the only prerequisite is a fear of public speaking.

We would love to assist you in finally being able to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively while experiencing less stress than before.

Overcome Your Fear Forever

We are frequently asked to “offer a few comments” in work, school, and public settings. People tasked with giving such remarks frequently struggle. They could lack a topic for conversation, ramble aimlessly, or just be difficult to listen to. You will be able to shine when others fail thanks to this workshop.

You will receive the tools you need to develop your public speaking skills in our session. You leave with lifelong skills, so you’ll never feel insecure again.

Attend an upcoming workshop to gain the confidence to speak in front of any size audience. When speaking strategically, tactically, and professionally, be enthusiastic and upbeat.

The Framework of Our Workshop

This workshop is for students, employees, solopreneurs, and entrepreneurs to learn and improve their Public Speaking skills with the help of various techniques, tools, and strategies.

This course provides you with a solid framework for creating and giving persuasive presentations. Learn how to structure speeches properly, write them so they’re memorable, and confidently deliver them.

You need to be able to significantly lessen your fear of public speaking by the end of the course, employ rehearsal techniques to hone a powerful, vibrant speaking voice, and deliver presentations with animated movement and gestures.

This course will assist you in swiftly mastering the foundations of speaking if you are a novice. If you’re an experienced public speaker, this course will improve your understanding of it and help you advance.

What will you Learn?

Analyze your Skills and Limitations in Public Speaking

Deliver your Point in a Calm, Assured Manner

When presenting, how to be more at Ease, Sympathetic, and Lively

Find your strength, both Physically and Mentally

How to relax by walking the space

How to Utilise Dynamic body language and a variety of Vocal Tones to draw in your audience


Uncover The Hidden Power of Numbers

What is Numerlogy Workshop?

Numerology is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the numbers in your life. We can utilize numbers to better comprehend the world and who we are as people. 

The practice of deciphering numerological symbolism dates back thousands of years. Each number has a quality that resonates at a specific vibration and frequency that is invisible to the naked eye.

One of the most significant influences on current astrology techniques is this numerology course. Follow your enthusiasm for numerology and wait for the secrets of numbers to come to light.

This course is beneficial for anyone looking to develop their decision-making abilities and utilize them as a tool for guidance, whether they are a teacher, trainer, HR professional, counselor, business owner, company director, sales and marketing expert, healer, or Tarot practitioner. This workshop will help you for making the right person in right place with their Birthdate

By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of the principles of creating a comprehensive personality profile and yearly forecast, computing and outlining compatibility profiles and forecasts, and more. 

Benefits of Numerlogy Workshop

  • If You Wish to Pursue a Profession in Counselling or Coaching
  • If You are a Parent and Desire a Deeper Comprehension of your Children
  • If Relationship Counselling is your Area of Specialisation
  • If You Desire a Career in Numerology
  • If you work in Health Care, Especially in Fields like Counselling, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Psychotherapy, and you’d like to have a Deeper Knowledge of the Needs and Goals of your Patients on a Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental level
  • If you work in Human Resources, are a Mediator, Teacher, or want to add a deeper degree of Human Understanding to your skill set
  • If you want to learn why Everyone of us is so distinctively different, for your own Personal Requirements
  • If serving both Young and Older people as a Professional Career Advisor is your passion

Memory Techniques

Learn To Enhance Your Memory Like Never Before

What is Memory Technique Workshop?

The majority of memory training classes are overly theoretical and packed with dry facts about how the brain and memory work, with much too little attention paid to the practical side of this fascinating subject.

You don’t need to become an expert to sharpen your memory, just as you don’t need to be a computer programmer to know how to use a computer effectively. You will learn a variety of effective memory techniques in this hands-on course, but more importantly, you will see how to put them to use in your everyday life so that you can be more successful in your studies, relationships, and profession.

This course is designed to provide a concise overview of memory strategies that will give you a strong basis for future practice. The good news is that once you master our methods, learning a new language seems second nature.

Your performance will improve, and new views and viewpoints will become available to you nearly as soon as you begin to practice them. In fact, you will change totally once you have these potent mental tools at your disposal.

Remember that the memory techniques and systems taught in this workshop have been tried and true by our memory specialists, and they will also be effective for you as well. 50,000+ Students have already attended and benefitted from this FLY Consultancy Workshop!

Workshop Takeaways

Memorize Common Digits like Credit Card numbers, PINs, Bank Account Numbers, Phone Numbers, Passwords for Computers, and so forth.

Students will be able to memorize Lists, Numbers, other Languages, Dates, people's names, etc.

You'll be able to take in and remember a tonne of information (particularly useful if you are revising for exams or learning a new language).

Memory techniques will be useful to you in your profession for memorizing speeches and presentations, the subjects you wish to cover during meetings, etc

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